Our Latest news

This Pesach!! Coming to #Orlando bezH ...

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Core. Chords. Chorus. Say it 10 times fast!! Little insight on the new song pre-production🎸🥁🎹🎼 ...

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#hamentash #purim #newmusic #lyrics ...

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We’re LIVE!!!! Watch the FULL music video on YouTube streaming now. #purim ...

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Check out the new Purim song.. see what all the buzz is about!! ..Produced and mixed by Avrumi Berko ..Cover design Zalman Friedman #purim #newmusic #8thday #jewishmusic #joy #victory #amyisraelchai ...

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You never know where this life is gonna take you.. main thing is always stand tall and give it your best! #disney #8thday #musiclife #positivity #jewishmusic #smile ...

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This week we relive the moments of a seeming “lose-lose” situation. Stuck between Pharaoh’s approaching army and a vast ocean. Some, understandably, started to panic. The answer from on High - keep moving forward! “ויסעו”! No oceans, no genocidal armies can stop you. They all just fade away….!! #amyisraelchai ...

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The moment it all comes together. Live on stage performing songs you’ve crafted in studio, harmonies you’ve rehearsed backstage, musical journeys you’ve dreamed of a hundred times.. comes to life. Nothing like it 🙏 ...

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Jamming at the National Menorah lighting at the White House! ...

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SMILE REMIX out now on the airwaves and internets ...

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SMILE!! This year we had the distinct honor of representing Chanukah and Jewish music at Disneyland during their holiday season concert series. It was a thrill to perform at THE premier franchise in the entertainment world and bring our message of unity, positivity, and spreading light to this incredible place. Massive thanks to the entire staff at #Disney and Disney California Adventure Park. They were extremely welcoming and made us feel like a part of the Disney family!! 🎥FULL VIDEO NOW on YouTube!! 📀Track drops TUESDAY!!

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Bringing the “Shtetl” vibes to the National Menorah Lighting first night of Chanukah in Washington, D.C. @freilach sounding great as always. ...

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Excited to be back at our capital this Chanukah for the National Menorah Lighting!! ...

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@disneyland @disney BH great shows!! Chanukah tour next up!! Hope to see you out there!! ...

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Jewish unity and strength in Seattle, WA 💥💪 AM YISRAEL CHAI 🙌 ...

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8th Day heading to the Magic Kingdom!!! 🎆 We’re so excited to announce 8th Day performing at Disney’s California Adventure Park bringing the Chanukah spirit for one and all! Very honored to be selected by Disney to represent Jewish music!! BH!! ...

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Yidden. Holy neshamos. Camp Sulam it was an honor! ...

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Looking forward!!! NYC let’s gooooo 💪🎸🙌🍷 Thursday JULY 18 BHNV! ...

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If only we could truly see.. ...

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We are so grateful and proud to release our new single - “Invisible Diamonds”. We hope you’ll find it as relevant and powerful as we do. This song and lyrics come from our heart and we hope to inspire yours. No matter who you are, we see the diamond in you. #invisiblediamonds #8thday #soul #iseeyou #truth #oneheart #kindness #newmusic ...

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